Here’s How To Get On The Rolex Waiting List

If you are a fan of luxury watches, you will likely know about the Rolex waiting list. This is essentially a list that determines who is eligible for getting the newest models of Rolex watches. Because of its exclusivity, it is natural to wonder how you can get on the Rolex waiting list. After I looked into it more, I figured out how to get on Rolex’s elusive waitlist.

To get on the Rolex waitlist, you will need to communicate with an authorized Rolex dealer. The dealer will put you on the list of those who are eligible to receive the new models of watches, although the way that they handle the waitlist can vary significantly based on the dealer.

I know this waitlist might sound intimidating, but it does not have to be. Keep reading to learn more about how the Rolex waitlist works and how you can get on one to receive one of the best luxury watches in the world.

Getting on the Rolex Waiting List Explained

Luxury watches are a lifestyle, and there is no brand so well known in the luxury watch sphere as Rolex. This notoriety means that your Rolex timepiece is one of the best in the world, but it also means that new models are very high in demand when they are released.

This is why the Rolex waiting list exists. If everyone were allowed to buy a Rolex watch as soon as it was released, dealers would be overwhelmed with demands. The waiting list applies some order to the process and people on the waiting list can have some comfort in the knowledge that they will receive their watch promptly.

To get on the Rolex waiting list, follow these steps I found:

  • Find an authorized dealer: An authorized dealer will be the first to receive new Rolex models, and they are ultimately the ones who will connect you to the new watch. Finding a dealer can be as simple as identifying luxury watch retailers in your community or an area that suits you and asking if they carry Rolexes.
  • Ask about the waitlist: Once you have made contact with your authorized dealer, ask them about how you can join the waitlist. Oftentimes, this is as simple as putting your name and contact information down on their registry; however, certain dealers may have different steps.
  • Check for updates: Being on the waitlist means that the waiting game begins. This can be stressful, but be patient—your authorized dealer will reach out to you when they have a watch in stock for you. However, you can regularly check in for updates to let them know you are still interested. Just don’t go over the top with it.

Many people may wonder if there are fees associated with getting on a waitlist. This will depend a lot on the authorized dealer. For this reason, it may be best to communicate with several different watch retailers to inquire about their waitlist procedures; you can then avoid overpaying if you do not need to.

If you have ever wondered whether or not wearing a Rolex is pretentious, I have written a whole article answering that question. Click here to check it out!

How Can I Move Up on the Rolex Waiting List?

Once you are on the waiting list, the hardest part begins: waiting for your watch. This is a process that will test the patience of any watch aficionado, and it will prompt you to wonder if you can get a better spot on the waitlist.

Again, the order of the Rolex waiting list will be completely at the discretion of the authorized dealer. However, you can try to boost your chances by doing the following things:

  • Show store loyalty: If you are hoping to get a Rolex from a specifically authorized dealer, it can benefit you to shop at their store on other occasions. You want to demonstrate to them that you are not merely using them as a means to an end and you value their services. Additionally, you might get a great new watch while you wait for your Rolex.
  • Make a good impression: When you speak with the authorized dealer, be polite and respectful. Waiting lists can be long, and this can be frustrating. However, keep your cool. Being polite with them will help your case.
  • Present yourself well: When you visit the retailer in person, it is a good idea to dress well and professionally present yourself. Rolexes are luxury watches, and they can help you to demonstrate that you are someone who is up to the responsibility of owning one.
  • Show that you are serious: In the luxury watch world, there are a lot of people who say they will buy something and then do not do so. To demonstrate your sincere interest, communicate to the dealer that you are financially capable of buying the watch and that you will collect the watch promptly when it is ready for you.

Doing all of these things will not guarantee that you are going to move up on the waitlist, but they can certainly help your case. Additionally, you are building a good relationship with the authorized dealer in the future that could pay off with other purchases and watch models.

One thing you will want to avoid though is offering cash as an incentive to move up the waiting list. This might seem practical, but it is frowned upon. Dealers may choose to charge for putting you on the waiting list, but they will not like the idea of playing favorites with the already existing waitlist.

If you have ever asked yourself whether or not you need to register your Rolex, I have just the resource for you. In another blog post, I wrote answered whether or not you need to register your Rolex. Click here to check out the article!


Rolex watches are a high-demand item, and new models can often only be purchased through a waiting list. I found that if you want to join this waiting list, you can contact your authorized Rolex dealer and secure a spot on the list. Plan to be patient, though, as this process can sometimes take years.

Despite the long wait, there are some strategies to maintain a good relationship with the authorized dealer, such as supporting their business and staying professional. While this will not guarantee you a new Rolex on-demand, I found it will increase your chances that you can move up on the list and be that much closer to owning the watch of your dreams.

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