Is Wearing A Luxury Watch Attractive? (With Multiple POVs)

Luxury watches are absolutely amazing fashion pieces that provide plenty of benefits for the person wearing them, but many people, whether if they have a luxury watch or not, still wonder if others actually find luxury watches attractive. Those who wear their luxury watch out usually think to themselves whether or not they are more attractive with the watch on. That leaves us to answer one question: Is wearing a luxury watch attractive?

The majority of both men and women find luxury watches attractive. Wearing a luxury watch can elevate your look, show off your own style, and boost your confidence, which many find charming.

In the rest of the post, I will be asking different people on their two cents whether or not wearing a luxury watch is more attractive, and I will share some benefits I have experienced when I wear my luxury watch.

Do Women Find Luxury Watches Attractive?

The majority of women find luxury watches attractive. Ladies love when a man tries his hardest to look his best and show his style with a luxury watch, which instantly makes them more attractive.

The first woman I wanted to get an opinion from is my beautiful girlfriend. I’ve had my luxury watch for a while and I do wear it often when we go out together on dates, but I have never specifically asked her if she thinks I look more attractive when I wear the watch. Because of this, she is the first person I went to hear an opinion from a woman’s perspective.

Us at Honey Berry Pancakes and Cafe

I went on a breakfast date with my girlfriend to a place called “Honey Berry Pancakes and Cafe”, a popular breakfast and lunch place near us (amazing food, by the way, the food and pancakes were so good), and wore my luxury watch out. While we were sitting down and waiting for our food to get to us, I asked her, “Do you find me more attractive when I wear my watch out? Do you think I should wear my watch more often?” And she replied to me,

“I always find you attractive! But, I do like when you wear your luxury watch. Something about it makes me gravitate toward you even more.”

This goes to show that women can find luxury watches attractive. Even though my girlfriend is already attracted to me, she values and appreciates the effort I put in to make myself look the best I can be, which is why she gravitates toward me more when I wear a luxury watch.

Another point of view from a woman that I wanted about this topic was from my mother. My mom is one of the most fashionable people I know and she has been with my dad for a long time, so I wondered if she thought wearing a luxury watch made someone more attractive. Once I asked her about this, my mother said to me,

“Wearing a luxury watch make you much more attractive, and I think your dad is much more charming when he wears his. You can look so much better wearing your luxury watch and you should definitely wear it any chance you get. When you compliment a nice outfit with your luxury watch, you look much more stylish and approachable, which happened with your dad.

So many people are wearing smartwatches nowadays, which means that you will stand out over everyone and look 10 times better wearing a luxury watch. Luxury watches will always be in style, and if you own a luxury watch, you minus well wear it out because it makes you look so much better.”

I couldn’t agree more with my mom and the points she made. She found my dad more charming when he wore his watch because it gave him more confidence and made him look much more stylish, which made him more approachable.

My mother was totally right when she said there are so many people wearing smartwatches now. This means that seeing a person wearing a luxury watch is much rarer, and you can stand out and look much more attractive if you wear it any chance you get.

Do Men Find Luxury Watches Attractive?

Just like women, the majority of men find luxury watches attractive. Many men also appreciate the time and effort others take to make themselves look the best they can.

For me, I definitely respect those, whether it be a man or woman, who wear their luxury watch whenever they can. When someone wears their luxury watch, it tells me that person takes the time to really make themselves look more approachable, fashionable, and attractive.

And in addition to that, it tells me who they are as a person. For example, I went on a morning walk one day and I saw another guy walking his dog with a really nice watch on. I thought to myself, “Dang, that’s a nice-looking guy. He is very well put together and his watch looks clean”.

After that, I complimented the man about his look and kept walking ahead. Since the man took time to make his appearance look the best with his watch, it influenced me to approach and gravitate toward him because of how good he looked.

Ever since the encounter I had with the random man walking his dog in the morning, it inspired me to wear my watch more often because it showed me that more people care and recognize how others dress than I thought. This just goes to show that most men also find luxury watches attractive and appreciate them just how women find luxury watches attractive.

Wearing A Luxury Watch Can Elevate Your Look

Wearing a luxury watch can completely elevate your look. Most of the time, wearing a luxury watch can be the final piece of your outfit to make you look more stylish and attractive.

Let me give you a personal, clear-cut example of exactly what I mean when I say that a luxury watch can elevate your style and look.

Here is a picture of one of my favorite outfits I wore this week. As you can see, the outfit is a pretty minimal, but sleek and classic look. The plain white long sleeve shirt paired with my best skinny fit black jeans and white Nike sneakers will always be one of my favorite outfits to wear since it’s so clean and will always be in style. Even though the whole outfit does look good and I would be totally happy wearing this out, it was missing something that would completely enhance the outfit.

Now here is another picture of the exact same outfit, but with one of my favorite luxury watches on (a Breitling Wings watch). By wearing a luxury watch, the entire outfit looks so much better than it used to: the silver and gold metals on the watch definitely complement the simplistic outfit, which makes me look so much more stylish and attractive in general.

At first, I was contemplating whether I should wear the watch with this outfit, but I soon realized that the Breitling watch completely elevated my look, to say the least.

This one example shows that if you take the time and effort to implement a luxury watch into your outfit and style, whether it be an expensive luxury watch or a luxury watch alternative, can significantly make you more stylish and attractive.

Even though the outfit I was wearing looked great and was already stylish by itself, adding the watch on top of it was like the best cherry on top: I felt so much more confident and looked much more stylish with the Breitling watch on, which in turn made me feel more attractive.

Wearing A Luxury Watch Can Show Off Your Style

Wearing a luxury watch can show off your own personal style. Putting a luxury timepiece on your wrist with a specific design and color shows off your personality and what your style is, which many find attractive.

After wearing luxury watches for a while now, I noticed that being yourself and showing YOUR OWN style makes others gravitate toward you and makes you more attractive. I found that trying to conform and impress others by being someone you are not is not attractive at all, and I faced this when I was younger as a kid.

When I was younger, I would always try to please people and be someone else to impress others instead of being true to myself, which drove people away from me. But as I grew up, I learned that being myself and portraying who I am as a person through a luxury timepiece made others gravitate toward me, instead of pushing them away.

To explain a good example of this, I will share my thoughts about my style. I am a pretty simple, classic, and minimalistic dude. I do not own many flashy things and many of my outfits are usually low-key and minimal. The specific luxury watches and timepieces that I own show off my personal style. My first ever luxury watch, a Panerai Luminor, has a classic and simple brown leather strap with a minimal white dial design that reflects my minimalistic personality.

When someone sees me out and about wearing this minimal Panerai watch, they can come to the conclusion that I am a pretty chill and low-key person that puts time and effort into his look. Nonetheless, this is my own style and your style can be completely different: you may be more of a flashy and outgoing person, which means that owning a flashy luxury watch can show off your own style and who you are as a person.

Wearing A Luxury Watch Can Drastically Improve Your Confidence

Wearing a luxury watch can significantly boost your confidence. Putting a luxury watch on can enhance your outfits and make you feel more attractive, which can drastically improve your overall confidence.

From my personal experience, whenever I put on a luxury watch that compliments my own style and outfits, I feel so much more confident than I am without it. With my own luxury watch on, I feel much more at ease when I walk up to others and try to make new friends, or when I converse with others at an event or party.

I would say that the confidence boost from wearing a watch is one of the best benefits for owning a luxury watch because of how empowering it is for me, and I have a vivid memory that I remember that can back this up.

One night during my junior year of high school during homecoming week, one of my friends hosted a house party for me and my other friends. Before the party, I was just so tired because of all of the homecoming events that happened that week and I did not feel like going to the party at all. We all have those days when we feel lazy and just want to lay down on the couch.

But once I got up and changed into one of my favorite outfits and put on one of my favorite luxury watches, I instantly got a boost of happiness and energy because I felt confident wearing my watch out. During the party itself, I had an outstanding night with my friends and some even complimented my style and outfit, which makes it one of the most memorable parties I have been to.

This story goes to show that a luxury watch can boost your confidence, make you happier when you go out, and improve your style. I really had no plan on going to the house party, but once I felt good wearing my watch, it boosted my confidence.

The Take-Away

If you are someone who wears a luxury watch or wants to wear a luxury watch and wonder whether or not others find it attractive, keep in the back of your mind that most people find luxury watches attractive. Once you put in the time and effort to implement, embrace, and enhance your own style by wearing a luxury watch, others will soon notice and appreciate your look.

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