Should A Rolex Make Noise? (8 Ways To Tell A Fake)

The Rolex watch company has been making waves for over 100 years, so it’s no surprise that they’ve become the target of counterfeiters. As a result, many people are curious about whether or not their Rolex is genuine. So, how can you tell? After I have done my own research, I have figured out 8 ways you can accurately tell a fake Rolex to a genuine one.

A fake Rolex does not even compare to a genuine Rolex. Fake Rolexes tend to make noises that genuine ones don’t make. They also have a poorly crafted crown etching and are ridiculously low-priced, among other things. 

The last thing you need is for someone to reveal that your Rolex is fake when you’re trying to show it off to friends or acquaintances. It can be downright embarrassing. Not to mention, painful considering the amount of money you may have spent on the fake watch. Don’t be caught off guard. In this article, I will discuss the ways to tell if your Rolex is real or fake. There are many fakes on the market today, and you don’t want to get scammed!

The Sound Test

If you’ve never bought a Rolex before, it may be challenging to spot a fake at first glance. However, there are many ways to tell if it is real or not. One of the easiest methods that I found to determine whether your Rolex is fake or authentic is the sound test.

For this test, all you have to do is place the watch near your ear and listen, closing for a ticking sound. Rolex watches are powered by an automatic movement and are silent. Therefore, if you hear any ticking sound, this indicates quartz movement, indicating that your watch is probably fake.

If your Rolex fails the sound test, it may also fail other tests as well. However, it’s important to remember that some fakes are very close in appearance and quality of workmanship; therefore, they can pass the sound test with flying colors! Consequently, you must be extremely careful when buying new or pre-owned Rolex watches.

Always Check the Case Back

Another simple way I figured out to determine authenticity is by checking the case back. Rolex watches have a smooth, well-polished case back. On the other hand, fakes often have a clear backside that’s not smooth. 

Some also have writing or numbers on the back. This writing is typically of inferior quality, which you can see by close inspection with a loupe (a small magnifying glass).

Analyze the Heft of the Watch

A Rolex is a weighty piece of jewelry so weighing a Rolex is another way I found to tell if your watch is authentic or not. This heavy feel comes from the heft and thickness of the solid stainless steel case, which typically weighs about 100 grams (about one-quarter pound). Gold Rolex watches are even heavier, weighing 190 -220g, and platinum weighs the heaviest ranging from 240 to 270g.

If it’s much lighter than that or made out of titanium alloy instead of stainless steel, then you should be suspicious.

Source: Business Insider

Check the Engraved Rolex Serial Number

Once I was doing my research, I realized that every Rolex watch has an authentic Rolex serial number.  The serial number is engraved on the six o’clock side of the watch case, where it can’t be seen without opening up the back. While it’s easy for scammers to replicate this number, it’s impossible to achieve the precision and perfection that Rolex uses.

Source: Everest Bands

The engraving should appear crisp and clear with no signs of fading or wear. If any signs indicate a defective stamping machine (such as one that left an impression too deep on some numbers), then you should be cautious about the timepiece.

Rolex is known for its astronomically high manufacturing standards, and a Rolex watch that was manufactured with a defective stamping machine would never make it to the store shelves.

Examine the Texts on the Face 

Another telltale sign of a fake Rolex is an unreadable or incorrectly placed text. As I found out, Rolex has unmatched precision in their text, and they are always placed in the perfect spot. If you notice that a Rolex watch is missing some of its identifying texts or any misalignment with others, you should be suspicious about your purchase.

Ridiculously Low Price

Rolex is a luxury brand, and just like any other luxury brand, the price of their watches reflect this. If you want to buy a Rolex watch, you should expect to spend anywhere between $7,000 – $12,000 MSRP. 

Source: Wrist Advisor

If you notice that it costs less than this or even about $400, there is no doubt that your purchase is fake. I found that even used Rolexes cost more than a few hundred dollars in most cases.

Poorly Crafted Crown Etching

I have found that since the year 2012, the Rolex manufacturing company has included a small crown etching on the 6 o’clock position of the watch. This small circular textured pattern has been etched onto this specific part of the Rolex watches to help prevent counterfeiting.

If you notice a poorly crafted or non-existent crown, then the chances are high that you might be wearing a fake Rolex watch because every real one will have this detail. You’ll need a magnifying glass for this test since the etching is relatively small and hard to see with the naked eye.

Analyze the Precision of the Second Hand

Rolex doesn’t compromise on the quality of their watches. No matter what make or model you wear, the second hand will be smooth and precise in its movement across the watch face with no stops in between. It’s also used to indicate a secondary time zone. 

However, fakes tend to have a stuttering or jerky-like effect for this part of the Rolex replica watches. If you want to spot any inconsistencies with your timepiece’s second hand, hold it up to the light and look at its reflection. If you notice any irregular movements, the chances are that your watch is not authentic.

Source: The Watch Company

Don’t Get Scammed

Buying a Rolex watch can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also prove to be a costly lesson. Don’t get scammed by buying fake Rolex watches online or from any other retailer because you won’t only lose your money; you will have wasted an opportunity as well. Hopefully, after reading my article, you know how to tell a genuine Rolex from a fake.

Instead, take the time to do your research before you make a purchase. Read blogs like this one, watch videos on YouTube and talk to people that have bought Rolex watches in the past. This way, you will be able to learn everything about these luxury timepieces so that you can buy with confidence instead of regretting later when it’s too late for an exchange.

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