This Is What It Costs To Get A Rolex Authenticated

When owning a Rolex, the largest and most well-known luxury watch brand in the world, there is one worry that is often prevalent: knowing if the watch is authentic. Knowing whether your Rolex is real or not can help you keep a peace of mind so you won’t have to wonder if it’s a fake timepiece. But on top of that, many people also wonder how much it costs to authenticate a Rolex, and after I’ve done the research, I have figured out how much it costs.

As a general rule, professional Rolex authentication costs between $50 to $150 up. Authentication by a professional, specialized business is on the more expensive side because of an in-depth procedure, while authentication by a single authorized dealer is more on the inexpensive end.

Read on to view the full article where I break down the different ways to authenticate a Rolex and how much each method would cost!

Why Does Rolex Authentication Matter?

Authenticating timepieces, especially a Rolex, can save you a world of stress and worry about wondering whether or not your timepiece is real. Getting a Rolex, or any timepiece for that matter, authenticated by a professional can easily take the stress away, but it does come at a cost.

I experienced this first hand when I got my first ever luxury watch, a Panerai Luminor Chrono. Even though it’s not a Rolex, I was worried because I did not have the authentication papers with my timepiece and I always thought whether it was a real timepiece or not. Eventually, I decided to get it authenticated and not only did I get authentication papers for my watch, but it also relieved me because I knew my watch was real.

Nonetheless, Rolex authentication costs anywhere between $50 to $150 up. If you go to a highly trained professional watch authentication service/business, it will be on the more expensive side because they do in-depth tests. On the other hand, if you go to a single authorized dealer to get your Rolex authenticated, it will be cheaper.

Will Rolex Verify Authenticity?

Official Rolex service centers, not the retail store itself, is able to authenticate Rolex watches. Authenticating a Rolex at a Rolex service center costs $150. I found this out by calling the closest Rolex service store by me, which is in Chicago.

I asked one of the workers whether or not you can authenticate a Rolex at one of their service centers, and she replied that you can. She further went on and said that all you have to do is walk in, pay $150, and a professional can authenticate it on the spot, and authentication papers will be delivered within 7 to 10 days.

I realized that this can be an easy and convenient way to authenticate a Rolex, but the only downside to this is that you have to live close or near a Rolex service center.

Bring Your Rolex To A Professional Watch Authentication Service

The best way to get a Rolex authenticated is through a watch professional. As I found in my research, there are 2 different ways to go about it: going to a professional watch authentication business or going to an authorized watch dealer.

Going To A Professional Watch Authentication Business

One of the first ways to authenticate a Rolex is by going to a professional watch authentication business or a Rolex service center. Doing so will provide you the best results of authentication, but it will also be the most expensive option out of the two: it can cost up to $150 and up, depending on the place. The reason being is because they provide an in-depth test and breakdown of the Rolex.

For example, for a higher end example, there’s a professional watch authentication service at “MaxSwissWatches” (based in Australia) and they perform an extensive authentication procedure. Their authentication process involves:

  • Opening up the watch
  • Verifying the watch movement is correct
  • Making sure exterior features are genuine (case and bracelet)
  • Making sure all serial numbers and reference numbers match
  • Checking the condition of the timepiece and suggesting any servicing
  • Resealing the watch and conducting a water resistance test

In this whole process, they do not damage the watch in anyway and it takes them about 15 minutes to complete, which is impressive in my opinion. The catch to it, though, is that it costs $100 just for a verbal authentication, which means that they tell you face-to-face whether the Rolex is real or not. It’s an extra $50 for authentication papers to go along with the verbal authentication. In total, for both the papers and the verbal authentication, it costs $150.

Even though I’m not affiliated with them, you can click here if you want to check them out.

In my opinion, I think that their price point is worth it. For the amount of work that they do on the timepiece to verify whether it’s real or not in such a shor amount of time is outstanding, and it can help relieve you from all the trouble of not knowing whether your Rolex is real entails.

This is just one example of watch authentication services out there. As I’ve looked at other companies that perform the same kind of procedures as “MaxSwissWatches”, I found that the prices ranged around $75 to $120. Other places may be less expensive because they may be as in-depth. Nonetheless, going to a professional authentication business is the best way to authorize a Rolex even though it can be pricey.

Going To An Authorized Watch Dealer

Going to an authorized watch dealer for Rolex authentication is definitely the When it comes down to it, professional, authorized watch dealers know the ins and outs of an abundance of timpeieces, and they are professionally trained to tell whether a watch is authentic or not. Since Rolex is the largest and most well-known luxury watch brand, authorized watch dealers know a ton about the brand. This is why going to a reputable dealer

This is the exact same procedure that I decided to do with my Panerai Luminor Chrono. When I got my Panerai watch, it came in its original packaging but it didn’t have authentication papers to go along with it. Because of this, I decided to visit an authorized dealer at my local mall in a shop called “Gold Creations”.

When I walked in, I talked to one of their specialists and asked if I can get my watch authenticated. The guy working their said that it would cost around $50, and I did not hesitate to say yes. In my mind, I believe that the $50 is worth it because it helped me relax.

My Final Thoughts

Getting a Rolex authenticated is a great way to help you keep a peace of mind and one-hundred percent know whether your timepiece is real or not. In my opinion, I believe that getting a Rolex authenticated is worth the price because it completely relieves you from ever wondering whether your watch is fake or real. No matter which method you choose to use when you authenticate your Rolex, keep in mind that authentication can help relieve you.

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