Why Are Watches Worn On The Left Wrist? (A Look Into History)

If you’ve ever wondered why watches are worn on the left wrist, you’re not alone. In fact, this is a question that has been debated for years. Some researchers even suggest that the answer actually changes depending on your profession and where you’re from. So why are watches usually worn on the left hand, and what’s the history behind it? After I had done the research, I figured out why.

Watches are usually worn on the left hand because it’s more convenient and comfortable for right-handed individuals to access their timepiece on their left wrist. Wearing watches on the left wrist dates back to pocket watches used in the military.

Wearing a watch on your left hand is an age-old question that is still asked to this day. I am someone who has wondered about the history of wearing watches on the left hand. After I’ve done my own research and looked into it more, I found the answer. Read on to view the full article where I explain why watches are worn on the left hand and the history behind it.

Why Are Watches Usually Worn On The Left Wrist?

The reason most people wear watches on their left hands is that most people are right-handed—and it can be a bit more convenient for righties to access the timepiece on their left wrist than the other way around. This is also why most people wear necklaces, rings, and bracelets on their left hands.

Have you ever wondered why watches are worn on the left hand? It’s obviously not because the right hand is superior—if it were, we’d be wearing them there. So what’s the deal?

It turns out that it’s much more complicated than a matter of convenience or preference. In fact, there are several theories about the origin of this practice.

the first theory dates back to the 1500s (when the first pocket watch was made) and was created with military use in mind. Back then, soldiers used pocket watches, which were often attached to them by a chain. This was done so that the watch would be more accessible when the soldier needed to know the time.

However, most people are right-handed, and using your right hand to access it meant letting go of your weapon—a major no-no in battle. Therefore, most soldiers wore their watches on their left hands so they could use their right hands to fight if need be.

In 19th-century France, men wore waistcoats that had pockets on each side. The left pocket was for items such as watches and coins; the right pocket was for things like gloves and handkerchiefs. Some etiquette experts say that this led to the continued practice of placing watches on left wrists.

If you have ever wondered whether a watch should be worn loose or tight, I have just the thing for you, my friend. In another blog post, I answered how a watch should fit when you wear it. Click here to view that post!

Why Do Some People Wear Watches On Their Right Wrist?

While around 80-90% of people are right-handed and wear watches on their left hand for convenience, there is still a portion of people who wear watches on their right hand. You may be wondering, “Why might that be?”

Here are some of the valid reasons I found:

  • Left-handed individuals tend to wear watches on their right hand
  • Some people simply prefer to wear their watches on their right hand

Since right-handed individuals wear watches on their left wrist for convenience, the same is true for left-handed individuals when wearing watches on their right wrist. Left-handed individuals will use their dominant left hand more often for everyday tasks such as writing, which makes wearing a watch more accessible and convenient when they wear it on their right wrist.

Another reason I found is that some people simply prefer wearing their watches on their right wrist.

My girlfriend is right-handed, but for some reason, she just finds it more comfortable to wear her watches on her right wrist. Even though it’s recommended to wear watches on your left wrist, she finds it more natural to wear her timepieces on her right wrist, which shows that not all right-handed individuals find it comfortable to wear watches on their left wrist.

Which Wrist Should You Wear Your Watch On?

At the end of the day, there is no right or wrong way to wear a watch as long as the way you wear it is comfortable. However, it is recommended that people wear watches on their non-dominant wrist: those who are right-handed to wear their timepieces on their left wrist because it’s convenient, and vice versa with left-handed individuals.

If you’re confused about all of this information and you feel like you’re wearing your watch on the wrong wrist, always remember this simple phrase: do what is most comfortable for you.

But If you’re right-handed and you feel like wearing your watch on your right wrist is the most comfortable, that is perfectly fine! And if you’re left-handed and notice that it’s more comfortable to wear your timepiece on your left wrist, then that’s alright too!

You should feel no pressure at all about wearing your watch a certain way. Wearing watches should be enjoyable, so have fun with it!


Watches are usually worn on the left hand because it’s more convenient for right-handed individuals to access their timepieces on the left wrist than on the right wrist. This dates back as early as the 1500s when soldiers would hold their weapons in their right hand so they can easily access their timepieces with their left hand.

If you are someone who is looking for some of the best watches and watch products on the market, I have created just the resource for you. I have created an entire page dedicated to recommending the best luxury watches, affordable watches, and much more. Click here if you want to visit the page!

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